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State interior ministers: take action against denial of Israel's right to exist

The interior ministers of the federal states want to exhaust all legal possibilities to take action against the public denial of Israel's right to exist. At the end of their meeting in Berlin on Friday, the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK) called on Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser...

Pro-Palestinian demonstration in
Pro-Palestinian demonstration in

State interior ministers: take action against denial of Israel's right to exist

All legal options must continue to be exhausted in order to ban statements, symbols, motifs or calls that are directed against the security or even the existence of the state of Israel. A corresponding IMK resolution also underlines the consistent prosecution on the internet and the shutdown of radical Islamic social media profiles as well as the examination and implementation of further bans on activities and associations.

In addition, the state ministers are asking the Federal Ministry of the Interior to add questions on the special responsibility for Jewish life in Germany and Israel's right to exist to naturalization tests. "The protection of Israeli and Jewish life has absolute priority," explained Berlin Senator of the Interior and IMK Chairwoman Iris Spranger (SPD). "Israel's security is a German reason of state."

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser(SPD) explained that the Conference of Interior Ministers was sending "a clear signal - Jewish life is under the special protection of our state". "We are keeping a close eye on the heightened threat posed by Islamist terror," she emphasized. It is important to stop further radicalization processes. "And we will continue to smash Islamist groups."

"The Conference of Interior Ministers sends a clear and united signal against hatred, violence and agitation and a clear commitment to Israel's right to exist," explained Hesse's Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU).

Israel's Ambassador Ron Prosor and the President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, reported on the fears and anxieties of Israeli and Jewish people in Germany as guests of the IMK. They emphasized the need for state support to ensure that Jewish people can live safely in Germany.

The interior ministers and senators of the federal states also spoke out in favor of clarifying the legal requirements for the expulsion of foreigners who seriously impair public security and thus facilitating expulsions. Specifically, the cases covered by the Residence Act are to be extended to include breach of the peace, aggravated breach of the peace and incitement to hatred.

Another resolution passed by the interior ministers is directed against violence in soccer stadiums. In view of recent riots around soccer matches, the IMK called on the German Football Association, the German Football League and the clubs concerned to take all necessary measures to prevent the increasing use of banned pyrotechnics.

The ministers also expect the clubs to make a clear commitment against any kind of violence in soccer stadiums. "Football stadiums are not lawless spaces," according to the resolution. Sanctions such as stadium bans or fan exclusions must be implemented consistently. "It is high time that we consistently show the small violent minority in our stadiums the red card," explained Hamburg's Senator of the Interior Andy Grote (SPD).

Read also:

  1. The resolution from the IMK urges the exploration of legal avenues to ban speech, symbols, or actions that threaten the safety or existence of Israel, which is a crucial state for Germany and its Jewish community, as stated by Berlin Senator Iris Spranger.
  2. At the Conference of Interior Ministers, discussions center on strengthening the protection of Israeli and Jewish life in Germany, including assessing the necessity of adding questions about Israel's right to exist in naturalization tests, as suggested by the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
  3. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser of the SPD highlighted the group's commitment to protecting Jewish life in Germany, emphasizing the importance of Jewish security as a German state reason.
  4. During the meeting, Hesse's Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) underscored the Conference of Interior Ministers' united stance against any form of hatred, violence, and agitation and its unwavering support for Israel's right to exist.
  5. Representatives from Israel's Ambassador Ron Prosor and the Central Council of Jews in Germany voiced their concerns over the safety and wellbeing of Israeli and Jewish citizens living in Germany, emphasizing the need for state intervention to ensure their protection.
  6. In their decision, the interior ministers and senators advocate for expanding the grounds for expelling foreigners who severely compromise public security and contribute to their removal from Germany, with an emphasis on individuals who cause public disorder, escalate tensions, or promote hatred.
  7. At the Conference of Interior Ministers, Hamburg's Senator of the Interior Andy Grote (SPD) called for the consistent implementation of penalties, such as stadium bans or fan exclusions, against violent behavior in soccer stadiums to protect the integrity of these spaces and safeguard the interests of the vast majority of fans.


