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State government: More digital services for companies

Companies in NRW can already deal with some official matters online. The offer is to be expanded. The state intends to spend many millions of euros on this again.

Numerous network cables are stuck in an office server cabinet.
Numerous network cables are stuck in an office server cabinet.

Administration - State government: More digital services for companies

The state government wants to drive forward the expansion of digital services for the economy. In 2024, the Wirtschafts-Service-Portal.NRW (WSP.NRW) is to be expanded to more than 450 administrative services with around 100 online services, the Ministry of Economic Affairs reported in Düsseldorf on Thursday. Currently, around 400 services are already available in around 90 online services. The most popular services are digital business registration and entry in the register of craftsmen. Around 13 million euros were available for administrative digitization in 2023. Next year, 18 million euros have now been earmarked for this.

Among other things, faster approval processes for wind turbines are planned. For example, a digital cooperation platform is to be set up next year to reduce the workload of the agencies involved. The applicant companies will then be able to view the processing status at any time. "In addition, the evaluation of applications will be supported by artificial intelligence," said a spokesperson.

Overall, applications should become simpler. Data that is already available to the administration will be able to be used again in order to speed up procedures. It should also be possible to access information via a standardized, national IT architecture in the future. "As the data does not have to be checked again, the approval and permit procedures will be significantly accelerated." NRW is leading the development of this architecture on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Economics Minister Mona Neubaur called the digital transformation a "mega topic". "Whether in climate protection, energy supply, production and logistics, the skilled trades or the shortage of skilled workers: digital tools and skills are crucial for the success of business models and the competitiveness of our companies," said the Green politician in a statement.

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Read also:

  1. The state government's goal is to expand digital services for businesses through the Wirtschafts-Service-Portal.BMWi.NRW, aiming to provide more than 450 administrative services with around 100 online services by 2024.
  2. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is leading the development of a standardized, national IT architecture for digitization, as directed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMWi).
  3. With the expansion of digital services, approval processes for wind turbines are anticipated to speed up in North Rhine-Westphalia, with a digital cooperation platform set up to reduce agency workloads and support AI for application evaluation.
  4. In Düsseldorf, the state government's Minister of Economic Affairs, Mona Neubaur, emphasized the significance of digital tools and skills for businesses, stating they are vital in various sectors, including climate protection, energy supply, and skilled trades.
  5. The excessive workload faced by authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia is expected to decrease due to digitization and the sharing of data among services, which will lead to simplified applications and accelerated approval and permit procedures.




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