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State government expects delays in fiber optic expansion

According to the state government, the expansion of the fiber optic network in Brandenburg will not continue for much longer. In response to a question from the AfD parliamentary group, the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Potsdam announced that there are initial indications that the growth in...

A bundle of fiber optic cable sheaths hangs in front of a blue sky.
A bundle of fiber optic cable sheaths hangs in front of a blue sky.

Telecommunications - State government expects delays in fiber optic expansion

According to the state government, the expansion of the fiber optic network in Brandenburg will not continue for much longer. In response to a question from the AfD parliamentary group, the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Potsdam announced that there are initial indications that the growth in investments in fixed assets in the telecommunications market over the last ten years will not continue or will even decline temporarily.

According to the state government's plans, the expansion of the fiber optic network, which enables fast and secure Internet connections, among other things, should be completed almost nationwide by 2030. The specific consequences of the delays in network expansion by the operators are still unclear.

According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the first signs of an end to the network expansion to date coincide with initial experiences from the latest market exploration procedures and the results of industry dialogues. The expansion activities of various companies have fallen short of their original commitments, the ministry explained.

The state government therefore assumes that potential new market participants or network operators interested in Brandenburg will withdraw again.

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The BMWi (Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy) has shown interest in promoting fiber optic expansion in telecommunications, but this might be affected by the delays announced by the Brandenburg state government. The AfD in Potsdam has criticized these delays, questioning their impact on the region's attractiveness to potential new telecommunications operators. The delay in fiber optic expansion in Brandenburg, as mentioned by the state government, might cause some companies interested in telecommunications to reconsider their commitment to the region. The AfD parliamentary group in Brandenburg has expressed concerns that the delay in fiber optic expansion could lead to a delay in the digital transformation of the region.


