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State gives 20 million euros more for Federal Garden Show 2029

Rising construction costs are not stopping at the Federal Horticultural Show. That is why the state is now increasing the funding. However, it will still be a while before construction begins.

The Upper Middle Rhine Valley is the stage for Buga 2029 (archive photo).
The Upper Middle Rhine Valley is the stage for Buga 2029 (archive photo).

Upper Middle Rhine Valley - State gives 20 million euros more for Federal Garden Show 2029

Rhineland-Palatinate is prepared to provide up to 20 million Euros more for the Federal Horticultural Show 2029 in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley than originally planned. The reason for this are the general cost increases in construction projects, the Bundesgartenschau stated. The total budget was reportedly around 108 million Euros, of which 48.6 million Euros were to be provided by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

"Inflation and, in particular, cost increases in the construction industry are leaving their mark on our project as well," said Buga Business Manager Sven Stimac in a statement. "The additional funding from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate helps us to cope with these additional costs." The management is now supposed to adapt the planning and concepts to the financial conditions, according to the Federal Horticultural Show.

The large-scale project for the Federal Horticultural Show 2029 in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley is on schedule, it was further stated. The first competitions have been completed, other tender procedures are running. "The first construction work will begin in the year 2026 and should be completed by 2028."

During their leisure time, many visitors are expected to explore the picturesque town of Oberwesel in the Middle Rhine Valley, which will be a key attraction at the Federal Garden Show 2029. The state of Hesse, along with Rhineland-Palatinate, has also pledged its support, contributing a fixed amount to the show's budget. Despite the increased finances, managing the project within the revised budget remains a crucial challenge. The Federal Garden Show aims to showcase the beauty of horticulture against the backdrop of the Rhineland-Palatinate's landscapes, including the Middle Rhine Valley.

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