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State election official observes people's parties rapidly declining in prominence.

After the European elections, Stephan Bröchler, the election director of Berlin, observed that the line between big and small parties is becoming less distinct. Bröchler commented, "These terms are growing more indistinct." He noted that mainstream parties are shrinking in size. Additionally,...

Berlin's state returning officer Stephan Bröchler stands in his office.
Berlin's state returning officer Stephan Bröchler stands in his office.

Upcoming European elections. - State election official observes people's parties rapidly declining in prominence.

Voter participation fluctuated significantly across districts, reaching 69.8% in Steglitz-Zehlendorf - known for its more affluent population - while dipping to 54.6% in Marzahn-Hellersdorf and Spandau, both lying on the capital's outskirts.

The city was divided into western districts dominated by the CDU, central ones led by the Greens which included Innenstadt, Pankow, and Neukölln, and the eastern districts where the AfD earned the top spot.

Bröchler commented that, despite a few minor hiccups like absent keys for classrooms converted into polling stations, general proceedings ran fairly well. Regrettably, six districts announced an escalation in late cancellations from their assisting staff.

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