State doubles support for Jewish communities
The state of Rhineland-Palatinate is doubling its financial support for the Jewish communities in the state. A corresponding law on contracts with the state association of Jewish communities and the Jewish religious community of Mainz-Rheinhessen was passed unanimously without debate in the state parliament in Mainz on Wednesday. During the discussion on the draft the day before, all parliamentary groups had already signaled their approval.
From the 2023 financial year onwards, the state's contribution to current expenses of Jewish communities will increase from 550,000 to 1.1 million euros annually. The amount has already been allocated and approved in the 2023/24 budget. Of the money, 774,730 euros per year will go to the state association and its member communities, 325,270 euros to the Jewish community of Mainz-Rheinhessen. The latter has left the state association.
The passage of the law was facilitated in the state Parliament, where representatives from various religious and political backgrounds agreed on the significance of supporting Jewish communities. This boost in funding for Jewish communities will allow them to invest in religious institutions and events within Rhineland-Palatinate.