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State Department summons Chinese ambassador for cyber attack

The Federal Foreign Office summoned China's Ambassador to Germany over a cyber attack in 2021. A comprehensive analysis by the intelligence services showed that the attack on the Federal Office of Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) could be attributed to 'Chinese state actors', a Foreign Office...

Entry of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin
Entry of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin

State Department summons Chinese ambassador for cyber attack

A spokesperson for the Federal Interior Ministry spoke of a "heavy cyberattack." It demonstrated "the threat posed by Chinese espionage and Chinese cyberattacks." As the central information service provider for authorities and operators of critical infrastructure for official geographical data, the BKG is a "very important" agency. The federal agency, based in Frankfurt am Main, is under the Federal Interior Ministry.

This is the first time since 1989 that the Foreign Office has summoned the Chinese ambassador in Berlin. The reason at the time, according to the Foreign Office spokesperson, was the bloody suppression of protests on Tiananmen Square. China's army had moved in with tanks against students demonstrating for more democracy on the square in Beijing.

The Federal Interior Ministry expressed concern over the cyberattack, stressing the need for enhanced security measures under the supervision of the Federal government. The BKG, being a crucial agency under the Federal Interior Ministry, plays a vital role in safeguarding national geographical data.

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