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State company to take over hospital in Seehausen

The state company Salus is to take over the Agaplesion Diakoniekrankenhaus Seehausen (district of Stendal). The state government approved the conclusion of the contract negotiations on Tuesday, the state chancellery announced. "In order to ensure and further strengthen high-quality care close...

Staff lockers in a hospital are locked with padlocks.
Staff lockers in a hospital are locked with padlocks.

Health - State company to take over hospital in Seehausen

The state company Salus is to take over the Agaplesion Diakoniekrankenhaus Seehausen (district of Stendal). The state government approved the conclusion of the contract negotiations on Tuesday, the state chancellery announced. "In order to ensure and further strengthen high-quality care close to home in the district of Stendal in the future, we are striving to further develop the location," explained Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD). The range of services is to be retained.

The Gardelegen and Salzwedel hospitals already belong to Salus. By merging with a further location in the Altmark, the state company would assume responsibility for the care region, said Grimm-Benne. If the negotiations are successful, the antitrust authorities would still have to be involved. The change of ownership could take place next year.

The clinic is a basic care hospital. According to the information provided, 200 employees work there. The range of services includes surgical, internal and intensive medical care for patients. There is also an emergency outpatient clinic.

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