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State announces award for flood helpers

At the turn of the year, a severe flood occurred in Lower Saxony. Thousands of relief workers were in constant action. The state wants to recognize their help.

The thousands of flood helpers are to receive an award from the state of Lower Saxony.
The thousands of flood helpers are to receive an award from the state of Lower Saxony.

Deployment at the turn of the year - State announces award for flood helpers

Forces in action were to receive recognition for their support during the heavy flooding in winter. The state government understood today that a total of approximately 55,000 main and volunteer forces, who provided help during the flooding around New Year, were to be awarded a recognition, as the State Chancellery in Hannover announced.

The flooding had spread over wide areas of Lower Saxony for weeks. Several water level markers were above the highest warning level for several days, and hundreds of residents had to leave their homes temporarily.

Minister praises relief forces

"We are deeply indebted to all the relief forces who tirelessly organized help, carried sandbags, built mobile dikes, or operated pumps during the dramatic flooding situation," said Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) in a statement.

The forces had protected people, animals, and buildings from the large masses of water. The Minister emphasized that such a flooding in this expansive area had never occurred in the country before.

The distribution of the recognition is to begin according to the State Chancellery in the last quarter of the year. Three million Euros are therefore available in the supplementary budget of the state for the ceremonies. Such a recognition had already been given during previous floods or in connection with the forest fire disaster in 1975.

  1. The operational force, consisting of over 55,000 main and volunteer forces, played a crucial role in providing aid during the Storm that brought heavy flooding at the turn of the year in Lower Saxony.
  2. The state government, acknowledging the efforts of these forces, announced that they would be receiving awards as operational recognition for their exceptional service during this challenging time.
  3. The Interior Minister, Daniela Behrens, praised the relief forces, stating that they had protected people, animals, and buildings from the large masses of water during the storm, a feat never before achieved in such an expansive area.
  4. As a token of appreciation, these forces will receive awards at ceremonies funded by a three-million-Euro supplementary budget, a practice that has been used in the past for recognizing services during floods or disaster relief, such as the forest fire disaster in 1975.

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