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State accommodation for refugees remains in place

Refugees live in the Rantzau barracks in the district of Segeberg. It is now certain that the accommodation will remain in the coming year.

The lettering "Rantzau-Kaserne" hangs at the entrance to the state accommodation for refugees.
The lettering "Rantzau-Kaserne" hangs at the entrance to the state accommodation for refugees.

Migration - State accommodation for refugees remains in place

The refugee accommodation on the territory of the former Rantzau-Kaserne in Boostedt (Segeberg district) will be retained - however, the number of places will be reduced from 2500 to 1250 in the medium term. A corresponding agreement were signed by Finance Minister Monika Heinold, Integration Minister Aminata Touré (both Greens), Justice Minister Kerstin von der Decken, Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin-Waack and the Boostedt mayor Hartmut König (all CDU), as the Social Ministry in Kiel announced on Wednesday.

"Together, we have managed to continue providing a good and secure shelter for the refugees," said König. The structure of volunteer work in the community, which has grown over the years, can still be used. Therefore, the refugee accommodation will be retained beyond 2024. In addition, a part of the land will be purchased by the state, so that a new justice detention school building can be built there from 2027. Furthermore, the further development of the state disaster relief camp on the territory of the former barracks is planned.

Aminata Touré, as the Integration Minister, signed the agreement alongside Monika Heinold, the Finance Minister, to maintain the refugee accommodation in Boostedt, Segeberg district, despite a decrease in capacity from 2500 to 1250. Hartmut König, the Boostedt mayor, expressed gratitude for this decision, stating it ensures a safe shelter for refugees. Beyond 2024, the structure of volunteer work within the community will still be utilized. The state also plans to purchase a part of the land for building a new justice detention school by 2027, and development of a state disaster relief camp on the former barracks' territory is planned.

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