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Starved kids: Authorities seek lengthy jail term for case participants

Authorities rescued two starving girls from their parents, who are now facing sentencing. A wide gap exists between the demands of the prosecution and the defense.

View of the Moers district court.
View of the Moers district court.

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During a trial regarding two severely malnourished children in the Lower Rhine, the prosecution has requested hefty prison sentences for both parents. For a considerable time, the 33-year-old father and his equally aged mother disregarded the two young girls to the extent that they were nearly starved to death, as stated by the prosecution's spokesperson on Thursday at the Moers District Court.

The prosecution's preference is for the father to be sentenced to six and a half years and the mother to six years, both for mistreating wards. The girls had endured this neglect for at least several months, perhaps even longer. The prosecution believed that the parents had acted intentionally.

When the youth welfare office intervened at the family's Kamp-Lintfort residence three years prior, prompted by a neighbor's tip, the girls were already exhibiting traits associated with starving children in developing countries. They were virtually immobile, could scarcely communicate, and needed to relearn how to handle solid food. When the children first arrived at the hospital, their condition was initially deemed life-threatening.

The defense lawyers of the accused were evoked by the doctors' descriptions. They could not insinuate that their clients had acted maliciously; instead, the father and mother were simply overburdened. Consequently, the defense invested in probation for both defendants.

The court will determine a verdict on Thursday afternoon. Although the case is under the Kleve District Court's management, the trial is hosted at the visiting court in Moers.

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