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Starting Saturday afternoon, the southeast will experience thunderstorms accompanied by hefty rainfall.

Major weather disturbances are not predicted for the south-east region anymore. However, during Saturday, substantial thunderstorms coupled with heavy downpours are likely to affect Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia.

Raindrops collect on a disk.
Raindrops collect on a disk.

Serious weather advisory issued. - Starting Saturday afternoon, the southeast will experience thunderstorms accompanied by hefty rainfall.

Stormy weather with heavy rainfall is anticipated to hit Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia starting Saturday afternoon. Affected regions include western Saxony, east Thuringia, and the southeastern parts of Saxony-Anhalt, according to weather forecaster Marcel Schmid from the German Meteorological Service (DWD). Locally, up to 60 liters of rain per square meter could fall in just a few hours.

The formation of thunderstorm corridors could result in even more rain in certain areas, increasing the risk of flooding and causing small rivers and streams to overflow. These thunderstorm corridors may pass repeatedly over the same regions. Schmid noted that the heavy rain and lightning storms will end by midnight.

Sunday's forecast is expected to see a slight improvement in the weather conditions, but Schmid urged caution. Thunderstorms accompanied by heavy rain are expected throughout Saxony, the eastern parts of Thuringia, and the southern regions of Saxony-Anhalt. In areas where severe thunderstorms develop, there could be lightning, fallen trees, and hail. Motorists need to be vigilant about aquaplaning, he added.

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