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Starting new projects for the longterm unemployed

Someone who has been unemployed for years usually finds it very difficult to find a job again. Many businesses are urgently seeking employees.

Unemployment rate: New projects begin in Thuringia to integrate long-term unemployed into the job...
Unemployment rate: New projects begin in Thuringia to integrate long-term unemployed into the job market (stock photo).

- Starting new projects for the longterm unemployed

To make long-term unemployed individuals fit for the labor market, 30 new funding projects have been approved in Thuringia. By the end of 2026, €15 million will be available for this purpose, as announced by the Thuringian Ministry of Labor. This money is provided by the European Union through its Social Fund and the state. The recipients of unemployment benefits who are considered difficult to place due to personal or professional difficulties and require intensive support for entering the job market or training will benefit from these projects starting in August.

Labor Minister Heike Werner (Left Party) sees a significantly increased willingness among companies to give opportunities to disadvantaged individuals in light of the skills shortage. She believes that targeted support for long-term unemployed individuals can make a significant contribution to tapping into "our own Thuringian labor force potential," as she stated.

The approval of these 30 funding projects is aimed at preparing long-term unemployed individuals for [Employment] in the labor market. With the implementation of these projects, companies may find it easier to hire individuals who have been chronically unemployed, as they will have received targeted support.

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