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Start-up shows smartphone replacement without display

Smartphones are omnipresent and have changed our everyday lives. But the tech industry is always wondering what comes next. A vision for this is now coming onto the market in the USA.

"Ai Pin" - a small device with a camera and laser
"Ai Pin" - a small device with a camera and laser

Start-up shows smartphone replacement without display

Can artificial intelligence make frequent glances at smartphones superfluous? A start-up by two former Apple employees, which has been surrounded by a lot of hype for months, wants to prove that the idea can be commercially successful. Since Thursday, the company called Humane has been marketing a small device without a display - but with a camera, loudspeaker and laser projector.

The flat "Ai Pin" with edges measuring less than five centimetres is attached to clothing with a magnet and worn at chest height. It has no display, but is operated by voice or hand gestures. An innovation that could set a precedent if the pin fails: The magnet that holds the device is also the easily replaceable battery that powers it.

The camera plays a special role here - it is the eye of artificial intelligence, so to speak. This is because the software can recognize objects. Co-founder Imran Chaudhri demonstrated its capabilities by holding a handful of almonds in front of the lens and asking how much protein they contain. "15 grams," was the answer, referring to the exact amount detected. Chaudhri then showed the "Ai Pin" a book and had it ordered online.

When the camera and microphone are switched on, a clearly visible light flashes on the top edge of the device. This is intended to dispel data protection concerns. In an interview with technology journalist Om Malik, Chaudhri emphasized that the recordings are only stored on the device itself and in the cloud in an area that is only accessible to the respective users. "No one will use it to find out anything about them."

Other AI developers also see the advantage of providing the software with context on the current situation via sensors. For example, the Facebook group Meta is already selling the second generation of Ray-Ban glasses with a camera and microphone in the USA. "This allows your AI assistant to see what you see and hear what you hear," Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently emphasized. And the start-up RewindAI wants to sell a pendant that records and transcribes everything you say and hear.

At the "Ai Pin", Chaudhri demonstrated real-time translation between English and Spanish. And when users hold their palm in front of the projector, it displays information such as the time or information about the weather and the music currently playing. The device, which can also be connected to wireless earphones, can also access the music streaming service Tidal.

One of the aims of Chaudhri and his co-founder and wife Bethany Bongiorno with the device is to make frequent interaction with screens unnecessary thanks to artificial intelligence. For example, you can ask the software for a summary of recent messages and calls. You can also ask for specific information, such as a door entry code that you received from a friend at some point.

Humane is initially only launching the "Ai Pin" in the USA. In addition to the purchase price of 699 dollars, 24 dollars per month will be charged for the mobile connection. The start-up is working on artificial intelligence with chatGPT developer OpenAI, among others. OpenAI boss Sam Altman is also an investor in Humane.

The 'Ai Pin's' software utilizes the camera to recognize objects, as demonstrated by its ability to identify the amount of protein in a handful of almonds. With the Internet connection, users can use the device to order items online, demonstrating its potential to replace smartphone functions.


