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Start of the doctors' strike: numerous doctors' surgeries closed from Wednesday

Numerous doctors' surgeries in Germany remained closed on Wednesday in protest against the health policy of Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD). The Virchowbund medical association and other professional associations called for strikes between Christmas and New Year. "We are giving our medical...


Start of the doctors' strike: numerous doctors' surgeries closed from Wednesday

Strikes took place on Wednesday in cities including Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg and Bremen, but also in smaller towns and in the countryside. Medicine is being "cut to the bone" and doctors' surgeries are being "bled dry", the professional associations accused politicians. However, the medical on-call service under the 116 117 number remains in place.

As the protest will be followed by the weekend and New Year's Day, the practices will not be allowed to reopen until January 2. The Patient Protection Foundation had criticized the timing of the planned strikes at the weekend and warned that this would affect the elderly and vulnerable in particular.

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