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Start of "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" in elections unclear

In a few weeks, the "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" wants to found a new party - and ideally run in several elections over the course of the year. But the hurdles are high.

Sahra Wagenknecht stands in the newsroom of Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa after an interview.
Sahra Wagenknecht stands in the newsroom of Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa after an interview.

Parties - Start of "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" in elections unclear

According to party chairwoman Amira Mohamed Ali, it is not yet clear whether the " Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" will run in all state elections next year after the party is founded. According to initial polls, a good result in the elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg is certainly possible, Mohamed Ali told the German Press Agency during a visit to her constituency in Oldenburg. "But to achieve this, we need to establish state associations, have a strong list of candidates and be able to finance a good election campaign." Whether this will succeed in all three federal states is questionable.

In order to build up the party, it is important to run in the European elections in June. However, donations are still lacking, said the former parliamentary group leader of the Left Party in the Bundestag. The association has collected 1.2 million euros so far. "We can use the money to finance the foundation, the first party conference and the initial structures. That's not enough for the European election campaign." The alliance is hoping for further donations when the party is founded at the beginning of the year.

Long-time Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht left the party in October with nine members of the Bundestag to found a rival project. Initially organized as an association, the "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" is to formally become a party on 8 January.

There is currently a large representation gap in the parliaments, said Mohamed Ali. Many voters do not feel that their concerns and views are represented. The new party would like to offer an alternative, especially to people who vote on the right out of protest. The 43-year-old announced that they are also working on a strategy to win over non-voters.

Wagenknecht had initially announced that she did not want to become party leader herself and had brought Mohamed Ali into play. She recently expressed her willingness to lead her new party as part of a dual leadership. If Mohamed Ali is elected to lead the party together with Wagenknecht, she says she would like to campaign against the privatization of the healthcare system.

New approaches are also needed in education and migration policy. "It is not a solution to the shortage of skilled workers to focus solely on migration," said the MP from Oldenburg. There are tens of thousands of young people in Germany without a school-leaving certificate. "We need to train children and young people who grow up here properly and qualify them for the job market. That should be our priority."

Amira Mohamed Ali Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht

Read also:

  1. Amira Mohamed Ali, the chairwoman of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, is unsure if they will participate in all state elections next year after the party foundation.
  2. The alliance is hoping for financial support during the party's founding at the turn of the year for the European election campaign.
  3. Sahra Wagenknecht, a long-time Left Party politician, left the party in October to found the opposing "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance".
  4. Initially organized as an association, the alliance will formally become a party on January 8.
  5. According to Mohamed Ali, there's a large representation gap in parliaments, which the new party aims to address with an alternative for right-protest voters.
  6. Mohamed Ali announced they are also working on a strategy to win over non-voters, especially those on the right.
  7. If Mohamed Ali becomes co-leader of the party with Wagenknecht, she plans to campaign against healthcare system privatization.
  8. In education policy, the alliance advocates for training German youth in skills for the job market instead of solely focusing on migration.
  9. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance intends to participate in the European elections taking place in June and has currently collected 1.2 million euros for the party foundation.


