- Start of mushroom season - 179 calls for poison emergency
Mushroom season is approaching - and with it, a risk: There have already been 179 calls to the Munich Poison Control Center due to suspected mushroom poisoning, warned Bavaria's Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU).
"Due to the current humid and warm weather, there have been more mushrooms growing for several weeks than in previous years," said the minister. She advised caution when collecting them on one's own. "There are around 100 health-damaging mushroom species in Bavaria - many of which are classified as deadly poisonous," said the minister. "Even experienced collectors can find it difficult to distinguish between poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms. One should not rely on mushroom identification apps either."
Proper Storage
Those who collect mushrooms for home preparation must also ensure proper storage. "Mushrooms should be stored cool and airy to prevent spoilage or the development of toxic substances. They should not be stored in plastic bags," explained Gerlach.
If one experiences nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, or other symptoms after eating mushrooms, they should immediately contact the Munich Poison Control Center - the statewide point of contact - or, in severe cases, emergency services.
"Under no circumstances should one try to treat the symptoms with medication or home remedies. This could even worsen the poisoning."
Advice from Experts of the Mycological Society
Pilzsammlern can seek advice from experts via the homepage of the Bavarian Mycological Society. There, one can find a list of certified mushroom advisors and experts in Bavaria. These volunteers conduct mushroom basket checks and also provide information on mushroom species and mushroom poisonings. The homepage of the German Society for Mycology (DGfM) also provides a nationwide list of experts who can help.
"It's important to note that fungal toxicity can be a risk associated with some mushroom species, as mentioned by Health Minister Gerlach, with around 100 health-damaging species in Bavaria alone, some of which are deadly poisonous."
"In case of suspected fungal toxicity symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, or vomiting, immediate contact with the Munich Poison Control Center or emergency services is advised, as self-medication or home remedies could worsen the situation."