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Start date of cannabis fine catalog still unclear

In several federal states, there is a catalog of fines for violations of the Cannabis Act. This is not yet the case in Lower Saxony. But there is an initial impact.

A cannabis plant, photographed at the harvest festival of the Cannabis Social Club Hamburg in a...
A cannabis plant, photographed at the harvest festival of the Cannabis Social Club Hamburg in a greenhouse of the Jersbek nursery.

Cannabis - Start date of cannabis fine catalog still unclear

When a fine catalog will be given in Lower Saxony for violations against the Cannabis Law is still about three months after partial legalization unclear. The Social Ministry made an initial proposal for such a catalog, said a ministry spokesperson on Friday in Hannover. We are in the process of deliberation within the state government.

A government spokeswoman said that authorities in the municipalities and the police always have the opportunity to impose proportionate fines. If there are more violations, a catalog would make sense to establish uniformity. The spokeswoman emphasized: "We have no lawless area."

Carina Hermann, parliamentary spokesperson for the CDU state parliamentary group, demanded that a fine catalog be put into action. "For violations, high penalties of up to several thousand Euros should be possible. Before Lower Saxony becomes an attraction for cannabis friends, the state government must create a clear legal framework as soon as possible," said the opposition politician on dpa inquiry.

In other federal states, for example, there are fines specified in a fine catalog that must be paid if someone smokes a joint, for instance, near schools, kindergartens or playgrounds. Fines are also possible if cannabis is consumed in certain hours in pedestrian zones or if the limit of 25 grams on the street is exceeded.

  1. The lack of clarity regarding the implementation of a fine catalog for cannabis law violations in Bremen is similar to the situation in Lower Saxony, as both cities fall under the jurisdiction of Lower Saxony's society and legal framework.
  2. If imposed, fines from the proposed catalog for cannabis law violations in Lower Saxony could potentially impact the local police force's enforcement efforts, as they would need to ensure compliance with the new penalties.
  3. Some stakeholders in Hanover, like local businesses and residents, may argue that a well-defined catalog of fines for cannabis law violations could contribute to a safer and more regulated society, as it would provide clear guidelines for what constitutes legal use and what does not.
  4. If Lower Saxony proceeds with the creation of a fine catalog for cannabis law violations, it may lead to a shift in public attitudes towards marijuana use in cities like Hanover and Bremen, as people become more aware of the consequences of breaking cannabis laws.
  5. As cannabis legislation and policy evolve in Lower Saxony, it's crucial for society to engage in an open and informed conversation about the potential impact of a fine catalog on various aspects of life, such as public health, community safety, and individual freedoms.

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