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Stahr to become interim leader of the Greens

New party leader urgently needed: After a debacle at the party conference, Berlin's Greens needed a quick solution to a difficult personnel issue. This now seems to have been found.

Nina Stahr, co-chairwoman of the Berlin Greens.
Nina Stahr, co-chairwoman of the Berlin Greens.

Party chairmanship - Stahr to become interim leader of the Greens

Member of the Bundestag Nina Stahr is to become the interim state chairwoman of the Berlin Greens and lead the party, which is embroiled in infighting, into calmer waters. This was announced on Tuesday by parliamentary group leader Bettina Jarasch on behalf of the so-called Realo wing of the party.

The 41-year-old Stahr was previously chairwoman of the Capital Greens from 2016 to 2021 before moving to the Bundestag. She is now standing for the dual leadership again at a party conference on Wednesday. The other candidate is incumbent Philmon Ghirmai, who belongs to the party's left - known as Fundis.

The Greens had broken off their party conference on Saturday and postponed it to Wednesday after the only Realo candidate, Tanja Prinz, failed in the elections for the state chairmanship. Some time ago, Prinz had narrowly prevailed in an internal vote of the Realo wing against the previous co-leader Susanne Mertens, who did not run again. At the party conference, however, she fell well short of a majority in several rounds of voting - mainly because the Fundi wing rejected her.

The humiliating procedure for Prinz was preceded by a kind of public mud-slinging over her candidacy. Following the debacle, there have been many discussions behind the scenes in recent days about how to proceed. A so-called search committee of the Realos finally found the interim solution of Stahr.

Stahr remains in the Bundestag

The member of the Bundestag will hold the party office until the state delegates' conference in May at the latest, according to reports. She will retain her seat in the Bundestag. This is unusual, as the Greens usually separate party office and mandate.

"We already have enough crises in the world, in Germany and Berlin, we don't need alliance Greens in a crisis," explained Stahr. "In Berlin, we were always strong when we pulled together. I am prepared to play my part in finding a solution and take responsibility if the party places its trust in me to do so."

The balance between the two wings, which is also reflected in the appointments to the top posts, plays a major role within the Berlin Greens. During the period of government participation from 2016 to 2023, the conflicting ideas about the party's program and direction, which had already been a major issue for the Greens in the past, receded into the background. Now they are visible again in opposition.

"Unity has been our strength in recent years, and we need to get back to that as quickly as possible," explained Jarasch on the Stahr appointment. The member of the Bundestag is therefore a good offer for the whole party. "We need someone with calm, experience and a good reputation across the party. Nina Stahr combines all of these points."

Support from party left-winger Werner Graf

Co-leader of the parliamentary group Werner Graf, who belongs to the left wing and was once party leader together with Stahr, backed the personnel proposal: "Nina is the state chairwoman we need now. That's why I'm also campaigning in the party for us to support Nina together."

Graf continued: "As a great supporter of the separation of office and mandate, I would also like to make it clear that this is only viable in times like these if we make a transition possible. It goes without saying that such spontaneous service to the party also requires a transition."

Former parliamentary group leader Silke Gebel from the largest Green Party district association in Mitte also sees Stahr, who comes from Steglitz-Zehlendorf, as the woman of the hour. "We need a state executive committee capable of acting in order to pacify conflicts," said the supporter of the Realo wing. As state chairwoman, Stahr had proven several times that she could unite the party with all groups and currents. "That is what is needed now," said Gebel.

Info on the party conference on 13.12. Info on Stahr

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