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Stahr to become interim Berlin Green Party leader

Member of the Bundestag Nina Stahr is to become interim state chairwoman of the Berlin Greens. This was announced on Tuesday by Green parliamentary group leader Bettina Jarasch on behalf of the so-called Realo wing of the party. Stahr was previously chairwoman of the capital's Greens from 2016...

Nina Stahr, co-chairwoman of the Berlin Greens.
Nina Stahr, co-chairwoman of the Berlin Greens.

Parties - Stahr to become interim Berlin Green Party leader

Member of the Bundestag Nina Stahr is to become interim state chairwoman of the Berlin Greens. This was announced on Tuesday by Green parliamentary group leader Bettina Jarasch on behalf of the so-called Realo wing of the party. Stahr was previously chairwoman of the capital's Greens from 2016 to 2021 before moving to the Bundestag. She is now standing for the dual leadership again at a party conference this Wednesday. The other candidate is incumbent Philmon Ghirmai, who belongs to the party's left wing.

The Greens broke off their party conference last Saturday and postponed it to Wednesday after the only Realo candidate, Tanja Prinz, failed in the elections for the state chairmanship. Stahr will now hold the party office until the state delegates' conference in May 2024 at the latest and help to restore calm to the party. She will retain her seat in the Bundestag.

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