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Stagnation on the Berlin labor market at the end of the year

Almost as many people were registered as unemployed in Berlin in December as in the previous month. There were 190,818 unemployed people in the capital at the end of the year, according to the responsible regional office of the Federal Employment Agency on Wednesday. That was eleven more...

Clouds drift over an employment agency sign.
Clouds drift over an employment agency sign.

Unemployment figures - Stagnation on the Berlin labor market at the end of the year

Almost as many people were registered as unemployed in Berlin in December as in the previous month. There were 190,818 unemployed people in the capital at the end of the year, according to the responsible regional office of the Federal Employment Agency on Wednesday. That was eleven more unemployed than in November, but 15,768 more than in December of the previous year. The unemployment rate was 9.2 percent, the same as in November. Compared to the same month last year, however, the rate rose by 0.6 percentage points.

At the same time, the number of employees subject to social insurance contributions in Berlin also rose. "Berlin continues to see an increase in employment and job registrations," said Ramona Schröder, head of the Berlin-Brandenburg regional directorate. According to the report, around 1.69 million people were in employment subject to social insurance contributions in October last year. That was around 21,200 more people than in October of the previous year. The Federal Employment Agency always reports employment figures with a delay of several months.

The demand for workers also remains high. More than 19,700 vacancies were registered in Berlin last month. That was almost 800 more than in December of the previous year.

Press releases Regional Directorate

Read also:

  1. Despite the increased number of employed individuals, the stagnation in the Berlin labor market led to a significant increase in the number of unemployed people at the end of the year, with 190,818 people registered as unemployed, a 0.6 percentage point rise in the unemployment rate compared to the same month last year, according to the Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency.
  2. The Berlin labor market's stagnation and the increase in the number of unemployed people were evident in the statistics released by the Federal Employment Agency's Regional Directorate, indicating a total of 11 more unemployed individuals in December compared to November and 15,768 more unemployed people than in December of the previous year.
  3. The stagnation in the Berlin labor market and the corresponding increase in the number of unemployed individuals caused the unemployment rate to rise to 9.2 percent at the end of the year, according to the data released by the Berlin-Brandenburg regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency.
  4. As the Federal Employment Agency reported with a delay, the number of unemployed people in Berlin showed stagnation at the end of the year, with 190,818 individuals registered as unemployed and an unemployment rate of 9.2 percent, following a trend of consistent increases in the number of unemployed people compared to the same month the previous year.




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