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Staff shortage: Ministry of Education is looking for teachers

There is a shortage of teachers in Saxony-Anhalt. There are now new opportunities for students to find jobs in schools. Under certain circumstances, a bonus may be on offer.

535 new teachers are to be recruited in Saxony-Anhalt, including lateral entrants (symbolic image).
535 new teachers are to be recruited in Saxony-Anhalt, including lateral entrants (symbolic image).

School - Staff shortage: Ministry of Education is looking for teachers

To address the teacher shortage in Saxony-Anhalt, the Education Ministry continues to recruit teachers. Students can apply for 535 positions, known as "world savers," by August 31, according to the Education Ministry in Magdeburg. Ninety-eight of these positions are referred to as "G-positions" by the ministry. The letter "G" stands for "money," according to the ministry.

For these positions, a bonus is reportedly paid, as they are considered hard-to-fill. According to the ministry, positions become hard-to-fill after two unsuccessful recruitment rounds. Positions will be advertised at various types of schools. Most positions are sought at secondary schools (245). The need for teachers in gymnasiums (92), comprehensive schools (64), and primary schools (62) is also high.

"Teaching, even as a lateral entry, is a secure, well-paid, and above all fulfilling profession," said Education Minister Eva Feußner (CDU). Despite challenging times, schools should be optimally staffed to offer the best possible education to students and pupils.

  1. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting the Education Ministry in Saxony-Anhalt to address the teacher shortage in the region.
  2. The ongoing staff shortage has led to a significant number of vacant positions in various schools across Saxony-Anhalt, such as Magdeburg.
  3. With the aim of attracting qualified individuals, the Education Ministry is offering bonuses for the 535 "world saver" positions, which include "G-positions."
  4. In light of the high demand for teachers in Saxony-Anhalt, the recruitment drive extends to schools in cities like Magdeburg, catering to different education levels, including gymnasiums, comprehensive schools, and primary schools.

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