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"Stable at a high level": Flood deployment at Helme

The ups and downs of the water levels continue to keep the flood response teams in parts of Thuringia on their toes. This could continue for a few more days on the Helme in the Kyffhäuserkreis.

Thuringian Environment Minister Bernhard Stengele (The Greens) speaks on the banks of the
Thuringian Environment Minister Bernhard Stengele (The Greens) speaks on the banks of the River Helme.

Storm - "Stable at a high level": Flood deployment at Helme

According to Thuringia's Environment Minister Bernhard Stengele, the flood defense in the Kyffhäuserkreis district on the border with Saxony-Anhalt will take even longer. "We are expecting ten more days," the Green politician told the German Press Agency on Wednesday on the fringes of a site visit in Mönchpfiffel-Nikolausrieth. According to current forecasts, this is how long it will take for water to continue to be released into the Helme from the overloaded Kelbra dam in Saxony-Anhalt. The Minister assessed the current situation on the Helme between Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt as "stable at a high level".

Continued storm warning due to persistent rain

However, the situation could quickly change again, said Stengele, referring to the weather forecasts and a severe weather warning due to heavy continuous rain in northern and southern Thuringia, which is still in force up to and including Thursday. "We're not quite through yet." The severe weather warning issued by the German Weather Service (DWD) affects the districts of Nordhausen, Hildburghausen, Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Schmalkalden-Meiningen, Sonneberg, the Ilm district and the city of Suhl.

Shortly before the turn of the year, a dyke near Mönchpfiffel-Nikolausrieth was opened in a controlled manner due to the flooding in order to direct the floodwaters onto adjacent fields. This has so far prevented the village in the Kyffhäuserkreis district from being flooded.

Minister praises cross-state cooperation

In Stengele's view, the cooperation between the two federal states in flood prevention is "outstanding". This applies to both the municipal level, i.e. the districts of Kyffhäuser (Thuringia) and Mansfeld-Südharz(Saxony-Anhalt), as well as the respective state authorities. The authorities in Saxony-Anhalt were acting with caution when it came to relieving the Kelbra dam and not releasing too much water at once. He was grateful for this, said Stengele. The water level in the Helme rises as water is released from the dam.

Associations demand purchase of floodplain areas for flood protection

The long duration of the flooding in parts of the Free State is rather unusual, but shows what Thuringia will have to prepare for in the future in view of climate change, said Stengele. This has consequences for flood and disaster protection. For example, more natural floodplains are needed along watercourses. "We need to give water more space." This was also demanded on Wednesday by the environmental association BUND and the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany. They are calling for the state to buy up floodplain areas along rivers for flood protection.

According to Stengele, around 400 million euros of state funding will be needed for flood protection in Thuringia by 2027. In addition, approval procedures for corresponding construction measures need to be accelerated. Flood and disaster protection also needs to be more "professionalized" in terms of personnel. At the moment, a lot is resting on the shoulders of volunteers. "They've been doing this for eight days."

The water levels in parts of Thuringia rose again on Wednesday after rainfall, in some cases up to the first alert level. 13 water levels were above the pre-warning level (start of reporting) in the afternoon, five had exceeded the first alert level, according to an overview from the flood information center. A slow drop in water levels is expected from Thursday afternoon, it said.

Thuringian Flood Information Center DWD weather forecast DWD storm warnings

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