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Stabbing incident: Weidel accuses government of political connivance

Chancellor's remarks on recent events: knife attack in Mannheim, floods, and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Weidel, leader of AfD, accuses the traffic lights party for the knife attack.

Alice Weidel, leader of the AfD parliamentary group, speaks in the plenary of the Bundestag.
Alice Weidel, leader of the AfD parliamentary group, speaks in the plenary of the Bundestag.

Relocation or Movement of People - Stabbing incident: Weidel accuses government of political connivance

The head of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) parliamentary group, Alice Weidel, has blamed the current traffic light coalition and its previous governments for the deadly stabbing of a police officer in Mannheim. Weidel spoke in the Bundestag on Thursday after Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) made a statement about the current security situation.

She claimed it was a result of the shoddy migration policies of the current government and its predecessors led by the CDU. "The ideology of freely flowing borders and unregulated, uncontrolled immigration is built on illusions and lies that have cost human lives," said Weidel.

The Mannheim killer is not an exception, but rather part of a long list of attackers and violent criminals that came into Germany supposedly as refugees. "The only sensible outcome of the deteriorating security situation is a profound shift in migration policy. It is essential that this happens immediately," she urged. Weidel called for the border to be closed and deportations even to Afghanistan.

Read also:

  1. Alice Weidel, representing the AfD in the Bundestag, has criticized the Federal Government and its past administrations under the CDU, including Baden-Württemberg's leadership, for their handling of migration policies.
  2. Weidel's indictment came after the fatal knife attack on a police officer in Mannheim, which she linked to the government's lenient migration policies.
  3. The head of the AfD parliamentary group argued that the imposition of unregulated, unrestricted immigration has led to a rise in terrorism incidents, including crime in Crimea and Afghanistan.
  4. In her speech, Weidel urged the current government to assume its shared responsibility in ensuring public safety and implement stricter migration policies to prevent further attacks.
  5. The Mannheim killer, who entered Germany as a refugee, exemplifies the danger posed by the flawed migration policies, according to Weidel, who advocates for closing the borders and carrying out deportations even to Afghanistan.
  6. The Federal Government's failure to address the crisis has caused a substantial deterioration in Germany's security situation, leading Weidel to call for an immediate change in migration policies.
  7. Weidel's criticism of the Federal Government's handling of migration issues has drawn attention to the need for the Terrorism Affected Communities Network (TACN) to engage in shared responsibility and devise effective solutions to combat radicalization.
  8. The previous government and the current coalition, including Olaf Scholz's SPD, have faced criticism for their inadequate response to the migration crisis, leading to an ongoing discussion in Berlin about the future of migration policies and public safety in Germany.

