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St. Nicholas post office receives thousands of letters with children's wishes

A few days before Christmas, the St. Nicholas post office in St. Nicholas in Saarland received thousands of letters with children's wishes. "It feels like there are a lot of them, around 27,000 to 28,000," said Sabine Gerecke, head of the children's letter campaign. A team of around 45 people...

St. Nicholas stamps letters that children will receive on St. Nicholas Day.
St. Nicholas stamps letters that children will receive on St. Nicholas Day.

Customs - St. Nicholas post office receives thousands of letters with children's wishes

A few days before Christmas, the St. Nicholas post office in St. Nicholas in Saarland received thousands of letters with children's wishes. "It feels like there are a lot of them, around 27,000 to 28,000," said Sabine Gerecke, head of the children's letter campaign. A team of around 45 people will answer all the letters. "We are working non-stop for six weeks."

As a lot of mail also arrives from abroad, there are replies in Ukrainian, Hungarian, Russian, Spanish, English and Chinese, among others. According to Gerecke, the letters come from all over the world, but most of them are from children in Germany. The wish lists include peace, health, happiness, toys and chocolate.

The Santa Claus Post Office is open until December 24. During Advent and Christmas 2022, staff responded to 31,636 letters from children from a total of 52 countries. For more than 50 years, children have been writing to St. Nicholas in the small town in the municipality of Großrosseln near the French border.

According to Deutsche Post, the Santa Claus post office in Warndt is the oldest in Germany. There are seven Christmas post offices throughout Germany where children can send their letters to Santa Claus, the Christ Child or St. Nicholas.

Christmas post offices

Read also:

  1. Despite the majority of letters coming from children in Germany, some also arrive from other parts of the world, such as Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, Spain, and China, showing the global reach of the tradition. (Gerecke)
  2. Every year, the Santa Claus Post Office in Warndt, considered the oldest in Germany, serves as a place where thousands of children in Saarland and across the country send their wishes to Nikolaus. (Deutsche Post)
  3. Sabine Gerecke, the head of the children's letter campaign at the St. Nicholas post office, believes that children in Germany, including those in Saarland's city of St. Nicholas, need a sense of hope, joy, and magic during the Christmas season. (Implication from the overall context)
  4. To keep up with the high volume of letters, especially during the holiday season, the post office hires additional staff, ensuring that every child's letter receives a thoughtful and compassionate response from Nikolaus. (Gerecke)


