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St. Nicholas diver visits the fish in the large aquarium

With beard and red coat: the inhabitants of the large aquarium at the Multimar Wattforum are receiving a visit from St. Nicholas the Baptist these days. Twice, in fact.

Timo Kaminski, head of the Multimar aquarium and animal care area at the Multimar Wattforum,
Timo Kaminski, head of the Multimar aquarium and animal care area at the Multimar Wattforum, dives into the large aquarium of the Multimar Wattforum dressed as Santa Claus for feeding.

Customs - St. Nicholas diver visits the fish in the large aquarium

The dress rehearsal has already worked: a diver dressed up as Santa Claus dived down to the fish on Tuesday and brought small "presents" with him. Instead of colorfully wrapped parcels, Timo Kaminski, head of the aquarium and animal care area, took treats such as scampi, pieces of mackerel and squid for the various fish species and the lobster out of the jute sack. The 250,000-liter tank is home to cod, cat sharks, sea wolves, thornback rays, sturgeon and turbot, among others.

The dive on this day was a kind of dress rehearsal for St. Nicholas Day on Wednesday, when the gift bringer officially visits the Multimar Wattforum and dives to the fish again at 3.00 pm. Multimar guests of all ages are invited to watch this pre-Christmas spectacle from the forum in front of the large aquarium, according to the Multimar Wattforum. They can also ask the diving Santa Claus questions via a microphone.

The fish seemed a little skeptical at first when, instead of the usual diver in a black suit, a man dressed in red with a beard dived into the water. At first they may have been confused by the different color, said Kaminski, but then they saw the food and forgot their shyness. The fish are actually more reserved when a diver other than the usual ones enters the tank to feed. The fish are usually fed twice a week by a diver.

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The dive on Tuesday took place in Tönning, a town located in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. Timo Kaminski, the head of the aquarium and animal care area, was the Santa Claus-diver for this special event. During the dress rehearsal, Kaminski needed to ensure that the large aquarium's inhabitants, including cod, cat sharks, sea wolves, and turbot, would be comfortable with Santa's visit. The dress rehearsal was a success as the fish, even initially skeptical, were quickly pleased with the food rewards provided by Santa.


