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Spouse perpetrates stabbing incident against spouse in presence of kindergarten in Tegel

Aberrant Individual in Berlin Physically Violates Spouse: Witnessed by Offspring. Passersby Intervene Immediately. Law Enforcement Swiftly Responds.

Spouse inflicts stab wounds on partner.
Spouse inflicts stab wounds on partner.

- Spouse perpetrates stabbing incident against spouse in presence of kindergarten in Tegel

Man in Berlin assaults and hurts his partner once more. As per authorities, a 51-year-old man assaulted his girlfriend with a knife while she was escorting their sons to a daycare facility in Berlin-Tegel on Monday. The 29-year-old suffered injuries to her head and hand.

Witnesses stepped in to aid the woman and contacted the police. The officers apprehended the 51-year-old at the location and confiscated a knife as the suspected weapon. The man was due to appear before a judge to issue a warrant and detain him temporarily, according to the police.

The children are currently staying with relatives.

The woman was attended to by emergency medical services and transported to a hospital. At present, relatives are looking after their sons, who are five and eight years old, as reported. The police are examining the husband for intentional grievous bodily harm within the context of domestic abuse.

So far, 28 women in Berlin have lost their lives due to male violence this year.

In a statement released on Monday, Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) presented data on violence against women. According to these figures, 28 women have been deliberately murdered by a man this year. This encompasses cases of manslaughter, robbery-murder, sexual murder, and murder.

Whether it was a case of so-called femicide - where women are killed due to their gender - is frequently yet to be determined during ongoing investigations. Femicide refers to females being killed solely because they are females. Towards the end of August, two women were killed in Berlin in knife attacks within a short time frame. In both instances, the former partner is believed to be the culprit.

The police are also investigating if this incident is related to the rising number of cases of domestic violence against women in Berlin, with 28 women reportedly losing their lives due to male violence this year. The traumatized woman will require extensive counseling and support to help her heal from the emotional and physical wounds inflicted by her abusive partner.

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