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Sporadic rainfall, clouds, and sunshine across Ländle.

Mostly cloudy skies are expected in Baden-Württemberg on Tuesday, with occasional showers and weak thunderstorms. However, the forecast for the following days looks more promising.

Dark clouds can be seen over the edge of the Swabian Alb.
Dark clouds can be seen over the edge of the Swabian Alb.

The current climate conditions. - Sporadic rainfall, clouds, and sunshine across Ländle.

In Baden-Württemberg, expect a blend of sunshine and scattered clouds with occasional light showers. For the southern areas near the Danube and eastern Lake Constance, the weather forecast isn't as favorable, as local rain or showers might occur, says the German Weather Service (DWD).

On Tuesday, it's going to be chilly in the High Black Forest with a high of 11°C, while the Rhine region could reach 19°C. A mild northwest wind is likely to blow through the area. The showers should subside, and the clouds should dissipate during the night on Wednesday, as per DWD.

The sun should break through the clouds more often from Wednesday, with occasional clouds and clear skies. It's going to stay dry. On Wednesday morning, fog might be quite dense in the Allgäu region, with visibility below 150 meters. As the day goes on, some clouds could form, and showers and weak thunderstorms are possible. A DWD spokesperson mentions that up to 10-20 liters of rain per square meter could fall in a short time.

Thursday will be a bright, rain-free day. More clouds could form, but only a few showers are predicted. Temperatures will be between 16-22°C with a light breeze from the west. The DWD predicts cloud coverage for Friday, with no rain at the start.

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