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Spokeswoman for the Last Generation sentenced to a fine

Blocked roads or paint attacks - the climate protest group Last Generation causes a stir with its actions and also brings criminal proceedings. Spokesperson Carla Hinrichs has now been fined again.

Climate activist Carla Hinrichs must now pay a fine of 6,000 euros. (archive picture)
Climate activist Carla Hinrichs must now pay a fine of 6,000 euros. (archive picture)

Street blockades in Berlin - Spokeswoman for the Last Generation sentenced to a fine

Due to multiple street blockades by the climate protest group Last Generation in Berlin, its co-founder and spokesperson Carla Hinrichs has been sentenced again. The Amtsgericht Tiergarten decided on a fine of 6,000 Euro. The 27-year-old admitted to committing obstruction in seven cases and resistance against enforcement officers in six of those cases by gluing herself to the road. The court imposed a fine of 150 fines, each worth 40 Euro.

In the trial, Hinrichs stated that she was indeed present at the scenes in question on the street. However, she argued that her behavior was "reasonable and should not be punished." She demanded acquittal. The prosecution had pleaded for a fine of 180 fines, each worth 40 Euro. The judgment is not yet legally binding.

"Fight, but please not with these methods anymore."

In the current trial, the proceedings initially concerned eleven cases from August 2021 to May 2023. Hinrichs sat on the roads with other climate demonstrators and caused significant disruptions, according to the prosecution. In several cases, she glued herself to the road with one hand.

At the beginning of the trial about six weeks ago, Hinrichs stated that, in view of the worsening climate crisis, protesting was a moral duty for her. "Our protest aims for change," the 27-year-old said. Judge Christoph Weyreuther, looking at the charges to be examined, said, "Fight, but please not with these methods anymore." In a previous trial regarding a street blockade, Weyreuther imposed a fine of 600 Euro against Hinrichs in March 2023. However, this decision is not yet legally binding.

The group Last Generation was founded after a climate hunger strike in Berlin and demands more measures for climate protection. Since early 2022, they have repeatedly blocked autobahn exits and other streets in many cities, with a focus on Berlin. At the end of January 2024, the group announced a strategic change and the end of glue actions in city traffic.

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Berlin charged Carla Hinrichs, the spokesperson of Last Generation, for multiple road blockades.
  2. The Public Prosecutor's Office presented evidence of processes related to eleven cases of street blockades by Last Generation from August 2021 to May 2023.
  3. The Tiergarten Local Court in Germany handed down judgments for seven cases of obstruction and six cases of resistance against enforcement officers, resulting in a fine of 6,000 Euro.
  4. Carla Hinrichs sought justice by challenging the charges, arguing that her actions were reasonable and should not be penalized.
  5. Despite her arguments, the Tiergarten Local Court ruled in favor of the prosecution, imposing a fine of 150 fines of 40 Euro each.
  6. The Berlin climate activist, Carla Hinrichs, through her actions in Last Generation's demonstrations, has been involved in several instances of criminality related to street blockades.
  7. The fine imposed on Carla Hinrichs highlights the seriousness of the road blockades and the need for protesters to find alternative methods of demonstration to avoid legal repercussions, as suggested by Judge Christoph Weyreuther.

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