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Spinning up the German political scene: BSW.

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) has had its path validated by its results in the European elections. According to Sabine Zimmermann, leader of the Saxon BSW, this is a remarkable feat for a party that emerged as a new player in January. She emphasized to the German Press Agency in Dresden...

Participants at the state party conference of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) sit in their...
Participants at the state party conference of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) sit in their seats.

Elections in Europe - Spinning up the German political scene: BSW.

Zimmermann pointed out that the coalition obtained a double-digit score in the vote tally of Saxony, after analyzing 140 out of 418 municipalities. The BSW received 12.7% of the votes and ranked third place following the AfD and CDU, outperforming other parties. He described the situation as an "incredible momentum" towards the forthcoming state election on September 1, 2024: "It's evident to us now - these elections will be unlike any other held five years ago. At that point, numerous citizens found it difficult to decide on which party to choose."

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