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Specific meeting of the Bundestag committee

Due to the delayed completion of the Stuttgart 21 rail project, the Bundestag Transport Committee will hold a special meeting on Friday. This came at the request of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. CSU faction deputy Ulrich Lange stated to the German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur on...

The construction site of the multi-billion euro Stuttgart 21 rail project.
The construction site of the multi-billion euro Stuttgart 21 rail project.

Stuttgart 21 faces delays in its development. - Specific meeting of the Bundestag committee

Union questioned Wissing in the transport committee on Wednesday about the recent developments, as mentioned by Lange. Wissing argued that the DB is still under federal government ownership while also shifting the blame to the DB AG. However, this conflicting narrative does not please the Union. They expressed their dissatisfaction with this back-and-forth discussion.

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