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SPD states demand more money for refugee care

The SPD-led federal states want to increase the pressure on the federal government on the issue of financial support for the care of refugees. The federal states and municipalities must be financially equipped "so that they are not overburdened by the accommodation, care and integration of refugees", Bremen's head of government Andreas Bovenschulte told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. The Minister President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig, and the Minister President of Saarland, Anke Rehlinger, also called for funding commitments from the federal government.

The federal government must "significantly increase its share of the costs in the long term, the federal states are in complete agreement on this," emphasized Bovenschulte. Schwesig said: "We are calling for the introduction of a payment card, want to speed up procedures for refugees with poor prospects of staying and enable refugees with good prospects to find work more quickly. We expect the federal government to contribute half of the costs permanently and reliably." "Irregular migration to Germany must also be curbed".

Ahead of the Minister Presidents' Conference, Rehlinger called for the approval of the CDU/CSU in the Bundestag: "A new order for migration policy should be adopted by a broad majority of democrats."

The SPD-led federal states argue that domestic policy regarding refugee care requires equitable financial burden sharing between the federal government and the municipalities, as they fear being excessively burdened by refugee accommodation, care, and integration. The call for a payment card and expedited procedures for refugees with limited prospects, as well as support for those with promising futures, are also part of the SPD-led states' domestic migration policy proposal.


