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SPD sees joint responsibility of the state for regional dykes

The consequences of the Baltic Sea storm surge are keeping Kiel's state politicians busy. One of the issues is the condition of the regional dykes. The SPD parliamentary group also believes that the state is responsible.

Waves crash onto the Baltic Sea beach during the storm surge in
Waves crash onto the Baltic Sea beach during the storm surge in

SPD sees joint responsibility of the state for regional dykes

The SPD parliamentary group in the state parliament has reproached the state government in connection with breached or damaged regional dykes during the Baltic Sea storm surge in October. Although it was known that damage had been found on some dykes with an already low protection status, the state had not taken the necessary action, criticized coastal protection policy spokesman Thomas Hölck on Friday. The MP was referring to the state government's answers to a parliamentary question.

"This negligence means that the black-green state government shares responsibility for the damage," said Hölck. "We therefore expect more generosity in the aid program in the form of emergency aid and financial support to protect those particularly affected from economic ruin." On Thursday, the SPD parliamentary group failed with a corresponding motion in the state parliament.

The responsible Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens) admitted on NDR Schleswig-Holstein Magazin (Thursday) that the state's coastal protection authority should have been present at the dyke inspections more often.

Hölck criticized the fact that it was not possible to fully document whether dyke inspections had taken place wherever necessary in the last ten years. There was also a lack of information on the necessary remedial work. "There is obviously no current overview of the condition of the dykes. Based on the documents available to us, it is also not possible to verify compliance with the obligation to inspect the dykes every two years."

According to Hölck, the SPD parliamentary group assumes that the state has breached its legal supervisory duties. Goldschmidt said in Schleswig-Holstein Magazin: "I don't agree with that. Because there is no legal supervision of water and soil associations by the state at all. This legal supervision is carried out by the district councils."

The state government's response states that the water and soil associations or the respective municipalities are responsible for the construction, reinforcement and maintenance of the regional dykes, which are not the responsibility of the state. As self-governing bodies, they also set the safety standards for these facilities.

The rectification of any deficiencies identified was reviewed by the Schleswig-Holstein State Agency for Coastal Protection, National Park and Marine Conservation (LKN.SH). According to the state government, it is not yet possible to make a final assessment as to whether there was a connection between the deficiencies found and dyke breaches. "As things stand at present, however, it is unlikely that there is a connection between dyke breaches and the defects identified," the answer to the question states.

In light of the criticisms made by the SPD parliamentary group, the Civil Protection department may need to reevaluate its role in ensuring the maintenance and protection of regional dykes, as negligence in this area could lead to future damage. The SPD parliamentary group has urged the Parliament to provide more generous aid to those affected by the damage, recognizing the shared responsibility of the state government in these matters.




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