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SPD parliamentary group: No more adoption of the 2024 budget this year

The 2024 budget can no longer be passed in the Bundestag on time this year. This was announced by the parliamentary secretary of the SPD parliamentary group, Katja Mast, according to AFP information on Thursday. This would initially lead to provisional budget management in 2024 with...

Production of 200 euro
Production of 200 euro

SPD parliamentary group: No more adoption of the 2024 budget this year

The traffic light coalition has been struggling for weeks to find a solution for the 2024 budget, which is 17 billion euros short as a result of the Federal Constitutional Court's budget ruling. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) have been repeatedly discussing in small groups how the gap can be closed.

Deadlines set by the parties for parliament to pass the budget on time were exceeded this week. "Although we have done everything we can from our side, the budget for 2024 can no longer be passed in time this year," Mast wrote to MPs, according to AFP information.

According to a spokesperson for the SPD parliamentary group, there have been many questions from SPD MPs to the parliamentary secretary as to whether a formal resolution is even possible this year without a special session. However, according to the Bundestag's rules of procedure, this could no longer be organized.

"What is important, however, is whether the coalition will reach a political agreement this year that takes into account the substantive guidelines set by the Federal Chancellor in his government statement," emphasized the parliamentary group spokesperson. "And we are very confident that this can be achieved." Mast also wrote to MPs that Chancellor Scholz was "confident that a result can be achieved in the coming days".

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