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SPD parliamentary group leader: letter was a mistake - criticism of opposition

Rhineland-Palatinate's SPD parliamentary party leader Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler has accused the opposition of exaggerated criticism in the case of the letter from State Secretary Heike Raab to SWR. To speak of a systematic influence on the media was "abstruse" and "out of place", she said on...

Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler, leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the
Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler, leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament.

Parliament - SPD parliamentary group leader: letter was a mistake - criticism of opposition

Rhineland-Palatinate's SPD parliamentary party leader Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler has accused the opposition of exaggerated criticism in the case of the letter from State Secretary Heike Raab to SWR. To speak of a systematic influence on the media was "abstruse" and "out of place", she said on Wednesday in a special session of the state parliament in Mainz.

"The writing of this letter - it has to be said so clearly - was a mistake," said Bätzing-Lichztenthäler. However, Raab had acknowledged her mistakes, apologized and resigned her seats on SWR committees. She is a media politician who is recognized across party lines in Germany and has worked in countless negotiations to ensure that public broadcasting remains strong and independent.

Bätzing-Lichtenthäler said that the CDU and Free Voters factions were trying to use the Raab case to attack Minister President Malu Dreyer (SPD) and brand her as a "secret string-puller". But this would not work.

Invitation to the plenary session

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