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SPD parliamentary group attacks Interior Minister Stübgen

A new row is brewing in the Brandenburg government coalition: After the Greens, the SPD parliamentary group in the state parliament is also sharply attacking Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU). On Thursday, SPD interior politician Uwe Adler accused Stübgen of a lack of commitment to the...

Michael Stübgen (CDU).
Michael Stübgen (CDU).

Coalition - SPD parliamentary group attacks Interior Minister Stübgen

A new row is brewing in the Brandenburg government coalition: After the Greens, the SPD parliamentary group in the state parliament is also sharply attacking Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU). On Thursday, SPD interior politician Uwe Adler accused Stübgen of a lack of commitment to the work of the police and populism in connection with the permanent controls at the Polish border.

"The permanent balance on the fine line between populism and constructive action means that other important issues (...) such as an overview of the extra work performed by colleagues, the renovation of police stations or the sluggish recruitment within the Brandenburg police force are unduly pushed into the background," criticized Adler.

At the beginning of the week, the Ministry of the Interior admitted that no statistics were kept on the overtime worked by police officers. Shortly before this, the State Court of Auditors had revealed that around 25,000 rounds of ammunition had gone missing from police sport shooting. Stübgen was unable to provide an explanation for this in the state parliament's interior committee. On the other hand, the Minister of the Interior had claimed as a success that, after months of insistence, fixed controls were introduced at the Polish border in mid-October in order to curb irregular migration.

Border controls were not the responsibility of Stübgen, but of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, emphasized Adler. In future, Stübgen should therefore focus his efforts on advancing the issues in his area of responsibility. "The political objectives from the coalition agreement, which were intended to show recognition and appreciation for the often difficult and dangerous working conditions of our police officers, are not being sufficiently implemented," criticized Adler.

The Green parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament had also criticized the fixed border controls. The Greens also have strong reservations about an asylum center planned by the Ministry of the Interior at BER airport.

Read also:

  1. Despite the criticism from the SPD parliamentary group, Interior Minister Stübgen remains a key figure in the governing coalition, which includes the CDU and the SPD in Brandenburg's State Parliament.
  2. Michael Stübgen, the Interior Minister, defended his approach to domestic policy, including the implementation of fixed border controls, despite the SPD's criticism of his handling of police-related issues.
  3. In response to the SPD's criticism, Stübgen agreed to focus more on advancing policies within his area of responsibility, such as improving the working conditions of police officers in Brandenburg.
  4. The SPD's attacks on Stübgen follow recent revelations about missing ammunition from police sport shooting and the absence of statistics on police overtime, which were both major points of contention in the state parliament's interior committee.
  5. The Coalition's policy on border controls has been a contentious issue, with SPD politicians arguing that it should have a greater focus on addressing domestic issues within the Ministry of the Interior, such as the renovation of police stations.
  6. The debate over border control and police policies extends beyond the Brandenburg government coalition, with the Green parliamentary group in the state parliament also raising concerns about the planned asylum center at BER airport.


