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SPD leaders attack CDU/CSU and demands for social cuts at party conference

At the start of the federal party conference, SPD leaders Saskia Esken and Lars Klingbeil campaigned for a strong social profile and an active state in the climate-neutral restructuring of the economy. In their candidacy speeches for re-election on Friday, they criticized the CDU/CSU for...

SPD party leaders Esken and Klingbeil with
SPD party leaders Esken and Klingbeil with

SPD leaders attack CDU/CSU and demands for social cuts at party conference

"We are proposing a debt rule that treats future investments differently to current costs," said Esken at the party conference under the motto "Germany.Better.Fair". We "cannot finance major intergenerational tasks from the budget". Klingbeil expressed a similar view.

The demand can also be found in a key motion from the party leadership entitled "Together for a strong Germany". However, the Jusos have tabled an amendment calling for the debt brake to be abolished. "Let's finally shake off this shackle," said Juso chairman Philipp Türmer during the debate. The President of the German Nature Conservation Ring (DNR), Kai Niebert, warned with regard to the debt brake that the future of the country "is being driven against the wall by the greed-is-cool mentality enshrined in the Basic Law".

The party leadership's proposal also calls for higher taxes on the rich and a reform of inheritance and gift tax. The SPD leadership also wants to promote investment in projects for the climate-neutral restructuring of the economy with a state fund for Germany. Amendments also called for a wealth tax or a one-off wealth levy to counteract growing injustice in the distribution of income and wealth.

Klingbeil accused CDU leader Friedrich Merz of embodying a neoliberal "economic policy of the 1990s" that rejects an active role for the state in investing in climate-neutral and digital modernization. "Yesterday's Friedrich will never be the future of our country."

"The market alone will not regulate it," Klingbeil emphasized. The SPD would not accept entire branches of industry being written off. "We are fighting for every industrial job."

The SPD is not prepared to "give up our welfare state" in order to overcome the crisis, said Esken with regard to demands from the CDU/CSU and FDP for social cuts due to the budget problems. She also expressly backed the planned basic child protection scheme.

Esken harshly attacked CDU leader Merz. "He is willing to divide the country for the cheap success of a headline," she said. "That is irresponsible." The Merz CDU is "the most populist opposition of all time". The CDU and CSU are "rushing in chorus with the AfD against the 'traffic light'".

Klingbeil took a hard line on the AfD. It incites hatred against people with different beliefs, despises democracy and the rule of law and stands for fewer workers' rights and lower wages. It should therefore never be allowed to come to power. Klingbeil called on the SPD to be a "bulwark against the AfD".

Several speakers called for more investment in a socially just transformation of the economy. "Climate protection only works if social cohesion and ecological necessity go hand in hand," said parliamentary group deputy leader Matthias Miersch. "We need a special transformation fund of at least 100 billion euros," said Niebert.

There were no opposing candidates to Esken and Klingbeil in the election of the party leadership. SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert is also running for a further term in his post. The result of the vote was expected in the course of the afternoon.

In view of recent poll figures of only 14 to 17 percent, the Young Socialists in particular have also criticized the Chancellor. Juso leader Türmer demanded in the "Rheinische Post" that Scholz must "stand up more for social democratic principles and fight for them in the coalition". The Chancellor will speak at the party conference on Saturday morning.

Read also:

  1. During the SPD's Federal Party Conference, SPD Chairwoman Saskia Esken criticized the CDU/CSU's demands for social cuts and accused CDU leader Friedrich Merz of promoting a neoliberal economic policy.
  2. At the conference, Klingbeil emphasized that the market alone cannot regulate climate-neutral and digital modernization and argued against entire industries being written off.
  3. The Jusos have proposed abolishing the debt brake and called for a wealth tax or a one-time wealth levy to counteract income and wealth inequality.
  4. SPD Leader Lars Klingbeil accused Merz of embodying an outdated economic policy and stated that "yesterday's Friedrich will never be the future of our country."
  5. The SPD leadership's proposal includes higher taxes on the rich, a reform of inheritance and gift tax, and investment in projects for the climate-neutral restructuring of the economy.
  6. Esken harshly criticized Merz for being willing to divide the country for political gain, labeling him as "irresponsible" and the "most populist opposition of all time."
  7. Klingbeil called for the SPD to be a "bulwark against the AfD," which he described as a party that spreads hatred, despises democracy, and stands for fewer workers' rights and lower wages.
  8. Several speakers at the conference argued for more investment in a socially just transformation of the economy, with one calling for a special transformation fund of at least 100 billion euros.
  9. Despite recent poll figures showing low support for the SPD, there were no opposing candidates to Esken and Klingbeil in the election for the party leadership.




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