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SPD leader Saleh criticizes populism in Middle East debate

For Berlin's SPD parliamentary group leader Raed Saleh, the German debate on the Middle East conflict is going a lot wrong. "Unfortunately, there are politicians who are trying to do nothing other than use populism in the media. That is irresponsible," he told the "Tagesspiegel" newspaper on...

Raed Saleh, Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives.
Raed Saleh, Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives.

Conflicts - SPD leader Saleh criticizes populism in Middle East debate

For Berlin's SPD parliamentary group leader Raed Saleh, the German debate on the Middle East conflict is going wrong. "Unfortunately, there are politicians who are trying to do nothing other than use populism in the media. That is irresponsible," he told the "Tagesspiegel" newspaper on Monday. It is now important to allay fears instead of stirring up new ones. "I appeal to everyone in politics to set an example in this phase."

Saleh criticized, for example, sweeping statements such as "Integration has failed". Such statements are simply wrong, the West Bank-born politician told the newspaper. "Anyone who claims that integration has failed overall only proves that they have no idea about people's lives."

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