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SPD leader Klingbeil sharply attacks Merz and AfD at party conference

With sharp attacks on CDU leader Friedrich Merz and the AfD, SPD leader Lars Klingbeil campaigned for fundamental social democratic positions at his party's national convention. Merz embodies a neoliberal "economic policy of the 1990s" that rejects an active role for the state in investing in...

SPD leader
SPD leader

SPD leader Klingbeil sharply attacks Merz and AfD at party conference

"The market alone will not regulate it," said Klingbeil. The SPD wants to turn the climate-neutral conversion into a job engine. And it would not accept entire branches of industry being written off, Klingbeil said to great applause from the delegates. "We are fighting for every industrial job." Klingbeil once again called for the debt brake in the German constitution to be relaxed.

The Social Democrats must also fight against those who want to "lay the axe to the welfare state", said Klingbeil. Merz and CSU leader Markus Söder are only interested in the interests of employees "if they can instrumentalize them against the poorest in this country". This is "indecent politics".

Klingbeil took a hard line on the AfD. It incites hatred against people with different beliefs, despises democracy and the rule of law and stands for fewer workers' rights and lower wages. It should therefore never be allowed to come to power. Klingbeil called on the SPD to be a "bulwark against the AfD".

Against the backdrop of weak poll ratings for the SPD, Klingbeil invoked the party's 160-year history. The SPD looks back "with pride" on the progress it has achieved, he said. After defeats, it had "always got up again". In the past, the SPD was particularly strong "when our goal was clear", said Klingbeil. "We are fighting for a good life for all people in our country. For a socially fairer and free Germany. For a strong Europe."

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