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SPD: Enforce resolution on student employees

Schleswig-Holstein should also push through a collective agreement for student employees in the collective bargaining of the federal states. The SPD parliamentary group believes that Finance Minister Heinold has a role to play.

Sophia Schiebe, spokesperson on higher education policy for the SPD parliamentary group in
Sophia Schiebe, spokesperson on higher education policy for the SPD parliamentary group in the Schleswig-Holstein state

SPD: Enforce resolution on student employees

The SPD parliamentary group in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament is calling on Finance Minister Monika Heinold (Greens) to push through a collective agreement for student employees in the wage negotiations for state employees. This is the unanimous will of the state parliament, announced the SPD parliamentary group's spokesperson for higher education policy, Sophia Schiebe, recalling the resolution passed by the state parliament on July 13.

"I expect Monika Heinold to carry out the mandate of the state parliament," said Schiebe. Heinold must convince the blocking state governments in North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony. After all, her Green party colleagues are involved in the government there. The third round of negotiations is scheduled to begin on December 7.

Should Heinold fail, the state government would have to negotiate an independent collective agreement in Schleswig-Holstein in order to secure the rights of student employees, Schiebe demanded.

The SPD parliamentary group also emphasized the importance of considering tariff adjustments for student employees during the negotiations, as they contribute significantly to the operation of universities. If the state governments in North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony continue to obstruct the process, the SPD insists that local tariffs should be implemented in Schleswig-Holstein to protect the interests of these crucial workers.




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