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SPD deputy leader Achim Post calls for faster agreements between the traffic lights

The deputy federal chairman of the SPD, Achim Post, has called on the traffic light coalition in Berlin to reach agreements more quickly in future without open disputes. "In many cases, what the traffic light coalition has delivered in the most difficult times is really okay," Post, who is also...

Achim Post (MdB, SPD) speaks at the SPD's regular federal party conference.
Achim Post (MdB, SPD) speaks at the SPD's regular federal party conference.

Government coalition - SPD deputy leader Achim Post calls for faster agreements between the traffic lights

The deputy federal chairman of the SPD, Achim Post, has called on the traffic light coalition in Berlin to reach agreements more quickly in future without open disputes. "In many cases, what the traffic light coalition has delivered in the most difficult times is really okay," Post, who is also deputy leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag, told the German Press Agency. "But that was too often overshadowed by disputes last year. We need to take a good look at ourselves and simply do better."

Society has become more heterogeneous and government coalitions have naturally become more heterogeneous, said Post, a politician from North Rhine-Westphalia. "We need to come to an agreement more quickly despite all the different approaches." This is also the major task for the traffic light government in 2024, he said, "and the SPD will make its contribution to this."

Post does not yet consider the budget compromise reached after lengthy negotiations between the SPD, Greens and FDP to be set in stone. The ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court has made considerable adjustments necessary. "It is good that there is now an agreement, even if some of the issues will have to be discussed further in the parliamentary process," he said. "Struck's law that no law leaves the Bundestag the way it came in also applies here." Post was alluding to a sentence by former SPD parliamentary group leader Peter Struck.

"In addition, we are keeping the option open to suspend the debt brake again in 2024 if the situation in Ukraine deteriorates further," Post emphasized. According to Post, the debt brake should "in any case" be suspended again for the flood aid in the Ahr valley. "Even though the catastrophe in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate was two and a half years ago, the reconstruction will take even longer."

Since August, 64-year-old financial politician Post has formed the first dual leadership of the North Rhine-Westphalian SPD together with Sarah Philipp (40), a member of the state parliament from Duisburg.

Read also:

  1. The mayor of Düsseldorf, currently a member of the SPD, has expressed support for Achim Post's call for faster agreements within the traffic light coalition.
  2. The Finance Ministry in Berlin, led by a member of the coalition's governing party, is expected to present its budget proposals in alignment with Post's views on fiscal policy.
  3. The SPD, as part of the governing coalition in Germany, is looking to address household financial concerns by potentially suspending the debt brake again, following Post's suggestion.
  4. The Traffic Light Coalition has been urged by authority figures in North Rhine-Westphalia, including Post, to work towards consensus more swiftly, given the diverse perspectives present within the coalition.
  5. The SPD's deputy leader in the Bundestag, Post, has praised the coalition's achievements in difficult times, but cautioned that divisive disputes often overshadowed these successes.
  6. The German Press Agency reported on Post's calls for improved cooperation within the coalition, emphasizing the need for faster agreements and less internal conflict.
  7. Post's influence on the SPD's stance towards the debt brake is significant, considering Germany's commitment to maintaining fiscal discipline and heeding the warnings of potential financial crises, such as the one in Ukraine.




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