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SPD chairmen admit mistakes of the traffic light and call for quick budget agreement

The two SPD leaders Saskia Esken and Lars Klingbeil have acknowledged the mistakes of the coalition government ahead of the Social Democrats' federal party conference and called for a quick budget agreement. "The government has also contributed to the uncertainty with the major dispute over the...

Saskia Esken and Lars
Saskia Esken and Lars

SPD chairmen admit mistakes of the traffic light and call for quick budget agreement

"People are massively insecure," Klingbeil continued in the double interview with Esken. "Two years of pandemic, war, inflation, energy crisis, climate crisis."

Esken said that "numerous crises" were piling up on people's shoulders. "People need confidence now." When asked why the delegates should re-elect her as chairwoman at the party conference in Berlin, Esken replied: "We reconciled the SPD with itself and led it to victory in the federal elections." 600 delegates are expected to attend the party conference in Berlin from Friday to Sunday.

In the RND interview, Esken and Klingbeil called on the traffic light coalition to reach a quick agreement on the 2024 federal budget. "The federal budget must be finalized as quickly as possible after the constitutional court ruling so that people can go into their well-deserved Christmas break with peace of mind," said Esken. "A peaceful Christmas - that's what everyone really deserves in these difficult times."

"We know that we will all move forward," Klingbeil added. "None of the three coalition parties can be stubborn now."

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