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SPD calls for "Democracy Week" in all educational institutions

Whether it's the pandemic, asylum, war in Israel or Ukraine - opinions on these issues are often extreme and the basic social consensus is dwindling. The SPD is proposing a democracy offensive.

Parliament - SPD calls for "Democracy Week" in all educational institutions

On Friday (11 a.m.), the Düsseldorf state parliament will vote on a democracy motion tabled by the SPD. The opposition leader is calling for a mandatory "Democracy Week" to be proclaimed in all educational institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The SPD argues that when recent events such as the coronavirus pandemic, the increased influx of refugees or the Hamas attack on Israel are discussed controversially, the state is called upon to expose anti-democratic thought patterns and tendencies and to focus on the Basic Law. It is important to raise awareness and provide training as early as possible.

According to the SPD motion, democratic coexistence and pluralism as well as the advantages of orderly and fair coexistence should be taught and promoted from an early age. The same applies to primary and secondary schools. Universities should not be exempt either. The parliamentary group justifies its motion by stating that it is worth "moving away from time pressure, full curricula and subject specializations" and creating space for understanding and consensus during the week.

"It is currently apparent that a clear and unwavering pro-democratic stance in schools is sometimes met with great resistance". Special training and support for the teaching staff concerned is therefore also necessary.

In addition, the state parliament will deal with the topics of reducing bureaucracy, the obligation to leave the country, player and youth protection as well as innovative learning at universities.


Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and the increase in asylum seekers, the Düsseldorf state parliament is set to vote on a democracy motion tabled by the SPD, advocating for a mandatory "Democracy Week" in all educational institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  2. The SPD believes that discussing controversial topics such as the Hamas attack on Israel necessitates the exposure of anti-democratic thought patterns and tendencies, emphasizing the importance of the Basic Law and raising awareness from a young age.
  3. North Rhine-Westphalia's educational institutions, including primary, secondary schools, and universities, should teach and promote democratic coexistence, pluralism, and fair coexistence according to the SPD motion.
  4. The parliamentary group argues that creating space for understanding and consensus during the "Democracy Week" could help mitigate resistance faced by teachers advocating for a clear, pro-democratic stance in schools.
  5. In addition to dealing with the topics of reducing bureaucracy, the obligation to leave the country, player and youth protection, and innovative learning at universities, the state parliament in Düsseldorf will also consider special training and support for teachers.
  6. Recent events in Ukraine, like the ongoing conflicts, emphasize the need for a strong and unwavering commitment to democracy, which is closely tied to the concept of education and democratic coexistence.


