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SPD and Green politicians criticize Kubicki for cruise

Wolfgang Kubicki, Deputy Chairman of the FDP party and Vice President of the Bundestag, pictured
Wolfgang Kubicki, Deputy Chairman of the FDP party and Vice President of the Bundestag, pictured at the FDP federal party

SPD and Green politicians criticize Kubicki for cruise

FDP politician Wolfgang Kubicki's appearance on a cruise ship in the Caribbean has been criticized by politicians from the coalition partners SPD and Greens. "Someone who holds the office of Deputy Speaker of the Bundestag naturally has a certain role model function," the First Parliamentary Secretary of the Green parliamentary group, Irene Mihalic, told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND/Tuesday). "Especially in times when we are talking intensively about budgetary issues, it is questionable to have a cruise sponsored."

Matthias Miersch, deputy leader of the SPD parliamentary group, also told RND that Kubicki seemed to have let the Caribbean sun go to his head. "We want to live climate-neutrally by 2045 - this requirement of the Constitutional Court also applies."

When asked on Sunday, Kubicki's office announced that the Bundestag Vice President had appeared on a talk show hosted by Sabine Christiansen on "Europa 2". He had not received a fee for his appearance. "However, it is customary for board and lodging to be covered in the case of corresponding agreements."

The "Bild" newspaper had previously reported on Kubicki's trip and appearance. He had lashed out at Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck and indirectly called for his resignation. "The fact that Mr. Kubicki said "heating law gone or Habeck gone" is a shortened version of what was said," his office said on Sunday.

At the RND, Kubicki once again lashed out against Habeck. When asked whether, in his opinion, high-ranking officials are role models, he said: "Yes, but in a different way than you might think. For example: Robert Habeck may be Vice-Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, but he is not a role model for me."

Despite the criticism from SPD and Green politicians, FDP's Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki defended his appearance on the cruise, stating that he did not receive a fee but had his board and lodging covered. Despite this, Kubicki continued to criticize Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck, expressing his disapproval publicly.




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