SPD adopts debt brake reform and "crisis levy" for the wealthy
At the party conference, the Jusos youth organization in particular demanded the abolition of the debt brake. Although they were unable to win the day, they did achieve a much stricter formulation with a view to reforming the debt rules in the Basic Law.
Apart from the amendment, the text proposed by the party executive remained unchanged: "In the short term, we will modernize the debt brake, focus it more strongly on investments and make it fairer for future generations," reads a key motion by the SPD leadership entitled "Together for a strong Germany". This was then adopted unanimously overall.
In view of calls for a one-off wealth levy, there was a further change to the key motion: instead of calling for a "temporary crisis levy" for those subject to wealth tax, a "one-off crisis levy" is now demanded with regard to those "who have the highest wealth in our country". This expands the circle of those potentially affected.
Improvements have also been made to the SPD executive's proposal on the subject of the minimum wage. Here it was formulated more clearly that a desired reform of the existing regulations would have to lead to a significantly higher minimum wage. Demands for an immediate increase to 14 or 15 euros could not be implemented.
The demand for a reform of inheritance and gift tax was adopted as planned. In particular, "effective minimum taxation for large business assets" should be introduced, which should also apply to family foundations.
The motion also calls for "a decade of investment in the future" to enable Germany' s climate-neutral and digital modernization. To this end, a state "Germany Fund" is planned, which would mobilize private investment via state loans. In addition, the party conference also spoke out in favor of "temporary measures to reduce the price of electricity (for example through an industrial electricity price)".
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- Despite the Jusos' call to abolish the debt brake, the SPD leadership decided to modernize it, focusing more on investments and making it fairer for future generations.
- At the party conference, a much stricter formulation was agreed upon for reforming the debt rules in the Basic Law, due to Jusos' demands.
- The SPD executive proposed a "temporary crisis levy" for those subject to wealth tax, but this was later changed to a "one-off crisis levy" for the wealthiest individuals in the country.
- The SPD leadership advocates for a significant increase in the minimum wage, as part of the planned reform of existing regulations.
- The party conference unanimously adopted the SPD executive's key motion, which includes a call for "a decade of investment in Germany's climate-neutral and digital modernization."
- The proposed state "Germany Fund" aims to mobilize private investment through state loans, to facilitate Germany's climate-neutral and digital modernization.
- In addition to the state fund, the party conference also supports temporary measures to reduce the price of electricity, such as an industrial electricity price.
Source: www.stern.de