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Spaenle wants ban on pro-Palestine slogan

Debate continues over the punishability of the pro-Palestine slogan "From the river to the sea". Anti-Semitism Commissioner Spaenle calls for a strict approach.

A metal sign with the inscription "Bayerischer Verwaltungsgerichtshof" (Bavarian Administrative...
A metal sign with the inscription "Bayerischer Verwaltungsgerichtshof" (Bavarian Administrative Court) hangs on the façade of the Bavarian Administrative Court.

Amendment to criminal law - Spaenle wants ban on pro-Palestine slogan

Bayern's Antisemitism Commissioner Ludwig Spaenle is calling for a fundamental ban on the slogan "From the river to the sea" ("From the River to the Sea"), which is often used at Palestinian demonstrations. He spoke out in favor of changing the Criminal Code on Friday in response to a decision by the Bavarian Administrative Court the previous day.

The Administrative Court had ruled in a specific case that the slogan was unlawful and granted the complaint of a woman who had applied for a demonstration in Munich on the coming Monday (1st July) and had also announced posters with this inscription. However, the city issued an order not to use the slogan because it gave rise to the suspicion of a criminal offense. The Administrative Court argued, however, that the use of the slogan constituted a criminal offense, depended on the specific case, and in particular on whether a recognizable link to the terrorist organization Hamas or other banned associations could be established.

Spaenle, however, argued that the existence of Israel is not negotiable or debatable for him. The formulation "From the river to the sea" is, in his opinion, unambiguously contentious - and that means the demand for the elimination of the State of Israel. "We cannot stand by and watch that. To prevent this, criminal law must be adjusted accordingly," Spaenle said. The demand should be implemented in the context of the current debate on amending or specifying criminal law provisions relating to Israel-related criminal offenses.

The Antisemitism Commissioner reacted with incomprehension to the Administrative Court decision and expressed regret that it seemed that the meaning of the formula was not yet understood everywhere. "This is a battle cry against the existence of Israel." Germany and Bavaria have a special responsibility for Jewish life and for the State of Israel.

  1. The Bavarian Administrative Court's decision on the legality of the slogan "From the river to the sea" has sparked controversy in Germany, with Antisemitism Commissioner Ludwig Spaenle calling for changes to the Criminal Code.
  2. Spaenle's stance follows a ruling by the Bavarian Administrative Court, which determined that the slogan could potentially be linked to criminal offenses, but only in specific cases.
  3. The ruling came in response to a complaint from a woman who wanted to use the slogan at a demonstration in Munich, but was prevented due to its alleged connection to terrorist organizations like Hamas.
  4. Spaenle, however, strongly disagrees with this interpretation, pointing out that the slogan is a clear call for the elimination of the State of Israel and cannot be tolerated.
  5. His comments come amidst ongoing debates in Germany and Bavaria about amending criminal law provisions to address Israel-related offenses.
  6. Spaenle's calls for action have echoed in both Israeli and German circles, with some calling for justice and a firm stance against hate speech and war-inciting slogans.

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