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Southwestern grape yields are significantly decreased this year.

Spring's chill damaged portions of the grape yield, leading to subsequent challenges for winemakers due to persistent dampness. What implications does this hold for this year's grape harvest and subsequent wine production?

Reduction of Wine Production is Foreseen in 2024 (Archive Snapshot)
Reduction of Wine Production is Foreseen in 2024 (Archive Snapshot)

- Southwestern grape yields are significantly decreased this year.

Unpredictable weather conditions are anticipated to bring about a substantial decrease in the grape harvest in Baden-Württemberg. Across a farming area of 26,600 hectares, it's predicted that 1.9 million hectoliters of grape juice will be harvested in 2024, as per the Statistical Office in Fellbach. Vintners encountered several hurdles this year. Harsh late frosts brought about crop damage. Prolonged rainfall, followed by high temperatures, subsequently caused diseases in the vineyards.

In the larger of the two farming regions, Baden, the grape juice harvest is expected to be around 10% lesser than the previous year. A harvest of approximately 1.1 million hectoliters is predicted, with approximately 720,000 hectoliters of white wine and 420,000 hectoliters of red wine.

In Württemberg, both yields and harvest quantities are likely to be reduced. The tentative harvest quantity of around 730,000 hectoliters is 11% lower than the previous year's figure. This year's red wine harvest is projected to be around 500,000 hectoliters. Estimates for white wine stand at around 230,000 hectoliters.

Due to the adverse weather conditions, traditional wine harvesting procedures might be affected in both Baden and Württemberg. Despite the predicted wine harvest decrease, vineyard workers are determined to begin the wine harvesting process when the grapes are ripe and ready.

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