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Southwest breweries anticipate potential growth from the European Championships: "Not certain"

The connection between soccer and beer is undeniable for many fans. Therefore, breweries in the southwest should be excited about the European Championships. It's not just Germany's team that needs to perform.

Ein Teilnehmer des Public Viewings hält während eines Deutschland-Spiels ein Bier in der Hand.
Ein Teilnehmer des Public Viewings hält während eines Deutschland-Spiels ein Bier in der Hand.

Alcoholic beverage crafted from fermented grains. - Southwest breweries anticipate potential growth from the European Championships: "Not certain"

During the European Football Championship, beer makers in Baden-Württemberg anticipate increased beer consumption. Whether at public viewings, grocery stores, or stadiums: "If things go well, demand could rise in all areas," remarked Hans-Walter Janitz, the chief executive of Southwest Brewers' Association. The predicted rise couldn't be quantified. "But there will be a plus, I'm positive of that," Janitz emphasized as he reviewed the major event happening in Germany from June 14 to July 14.

The president of the Association of Private Breweries, Martin Schimpf, was less enthusiastic: "The EM is no longer a guarantee for huge beer sales - that's not true anymore. Corona has caused a lot of harm, and we can't really know how individuals will act this year." Schimpf does not expect a repeat of the 2006 summer wonderland and the corresponding cheery mood. However, he hopes that the positive overall vibe will result in a few extra pints being served. "If there is indeed a significant increase in demand, we are still ready for it," Schimpf stated.

For Janitz, the weather is crucial: "A brewery's greatest salesperson is the sun," he mentioned. He also anticipates favorable effects from visiting spectators: "The tourists coming for Stuttgart, as it is also a venue, will remain in our state for a while and drink some local brews." Additionally, successful home team performances might help sales: "If the German team performs well and, ideally, becomes the European champion," said Janitz. Until then, it's "wait and drink beer."

Approximately 200 breweries operate in the Southwest, according to the Federal Statistical Office. Each of these breweries, Janitz confirmed, provides about 20 distinct beer varieties. As a result, several breweries are offering special tournament promotions. "For instance, a six-pack with a glass, a box with a small surprise package, and specially printed beer pitchers."

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