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Southwest braces for the outcome of the major tally.

Following the vote count, election workers will handle the ballot papers for local elections starting Monday. However, it may take some time before the final results are revealed.

Election workers at the Schwabenzentrum counting postal votes.
Election workers at the Schwabenzentrum counting postal votes.

Upcoming local-level polls - Southwest braces for the outcome of the major tally.

After the municipal and European elections, the initial results for Baden-Württemberg's local councils, city councils, and district councils are anticipated on Monday. As the voting process is intricate, most cities in the region only counted the European votes on Sunday and began the municipal vote count on Monday.

Predicted outcomes suggest that initial results will be shared on Monday, and the Interior Ministry plans to release nationwide results on Tuesday. This complexity arises from voters being able to distribute many votes to diverse candidates and lists.

This year, all municipality councils in 1101 cities and municipalities, district councils in the 35 districts, and local councils are up for grabs. Additionally, citizens in the Stuttgart area vote for Regional Assembly members. Each party's term in the Regional Assembly differs from the municipality councils, with a duration of eight years. Overall, there were approximately 8.6 million eligible voters nationwide.

During the previous municipal elections in 2019, voter associations received the most votes in the municipal councils, with a 39.1% share. CDU came in second with 22.8%, followed by SPD with 13.4% and Greens with 12.9%.

Initial projections from the three biggest cities in the state predict losses for the Greens, both in the municipal elections and the European elections on Sunday. However, these losses are not as significant as in the simultaneous European elections based on SWR forecasts. Historically, parties exhibit differing performances in urban centers and rural areas in Southwest Germany.

The CDU might become the leading force in Stuttgart and Mannheim, according to predictions. In Karlsruhe, the Greens are speculated to maintain their position amidst losses. The AfD is projected to have grown since five years ago, according to forecasts. The voter turnout is also expected to have surged in the three metropolitan areas compared to the 2019 municipal elections.

The municipal council represents a municipality and passes laws, regulates the mayor and administration, and creates budgets. These duties are performed voluntarily but councils are reimbursed. The municipality decides on factors such as how frequently buses operate, the cost of a pool visit, determining new locations for houses, and determining which schools require renovation. Municipal decisions often have a more drastic impact on citizens than Berlin's laws.

Insights from the Interior Ministry regarding the European electionsInsights from the State Center for Political Education about the municipal electionsOutcomes of the European elections 2019 in Baden-WürttembergOutcomes of the municipal elections 2019 in Baden-WürttembergDashboard of the State Statistical Office on the European electionsInformation from the Interior Ministry about the municipal elections

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