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Southern Ukrainian city of Kherson target of Russian drone attack

Following an attack on a train station, the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson has been attacked by Russia with drones, according to Ukrainian reports. According to Mayor Roman Mrotschko, Iranian-made Shahed drones were used on Tuesday evening. He called on the population to take shelter....

Ukrainian soldiers in Kherson in
Ukrainian soldiers in Kherson in

Southern Ukrainian city of Kherson target of Russian drone attack

According to the Ukrainian air force, 46 Shahed drones were sent from Russia towards Ukraine during the night. According to the Ukrainian air defense, 32 of them were shot down. "Several more" crashed without causing any further damage. The remaining drones were aimed at the border areas, "especially the Kherson region", the army explained.

On the Russian side of the border, the governor of the Rostov region, Vasily Golubev, said that a drone had been shot down by the air defense over the region. "The consequences on the ground are currently being clarified," he added.

There had already been an attack on a train station in Kherson on Tuesday evening, in which at least one person was killed and four others injured, according to the Ukrainian government. The city was "massively bombed" as around 140 civilians were waiting at the station for the departure of a train to take them out of the city to safety, explained Interior Minister Igor Klymenko on the online service Telegram.

One police officer was killed, two civilians and two police officers were injured by shrapnel. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated that numerous civilians were at the station at the time of the attack. All emergency services were deployed. According to the Ukrainian railroad company Ukrsalisnyzja, the station and the evacuation train were damaged. However, the railroad line is still passable, it said.

Kherson is located on the Dnipro River and has been a frequent target of Russian attacks since the city was recaptured by Ukrainian troops in November 2022 after months of Russian occupation.

Since the attack on Ukraine in February 2022, Western countries have imposed a series of sanctions on Russia. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak told the Rossia 24 television channel on Wednesday that the country's energy sector is nevertheless holding up well.

According to Novak, Russia has diverted almost all of its oil exports to China and India. 45 to 50 percent of Russian oil exports are delivered to China, with a further 40 percent going to India, he said.

Russia will generate revenues of the equivalent of around 88 billion euros with its exports in 2023. This would put revenues at a comparable level to 2021, the politician said. The Arctic LNG 2 liquefied natural gas project had also been launched, although US sanctions had threatened the start.

Washington declared in the summer that Russian revenues from the oil trade had fallen by almost half in the first five months of the year. Although Russia is now exporting more crude oil than at the beginning of its war of aggression against Ukraine, sales revenues have fallen by 50 percent compared to the previous year, explained US Deputy Finance Minister Wally Adeyemo in mid-June at an event organized by the Center for a New American Security think tank in Washington.

Despite higher exports, Russia is now making less money as its oil is now traded at a 25 percent discount compared to oil from other countries, Adeyemo added, referring to the price cap on Russian oil. According to Adeyemo, Moscow is also finding it difficult to replace equipment it has lost in the war due to the sanctions and export controls imposed.

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